A full day online symposium celebrating the work from our trainees, from the undergraduate to postdoctoral levels.
Keynote lecture:
“Tales of naturally evolved regeneration: biomedical lessons from lizard biology”, Dr. Matt Vickaryous, Department of Biomedical Sciences, Ontario Veterinary College, University of Guelph (http://www.vickaryouslab.com/)
There will also be a presentation from the Editor-in-Chief of Developmental Dynamics Dr. Paul Trainor, from Stowers Institute for Medical Research in Kansas City, who will discuss the benefits of publishing in the journal and the recent webinar series from the journal.
For more info or to rsvp, please contact Angelo Iulianella (angelo.iulianella@dal.ca) and Tamara Franz-Odendaal (tamara.franz-odendaal@msvu.ca) by May 21st 2021, indicating the department and institute of your primary affiliation.
For trainees who wish to present, please e-mail us the title of your talk and status (i.e. undergraduate student, graduate student, postdoctoral fellow).
Trainee presentations will be 15 minutes long including questions (please time your slides to 10 minutes to allow for sufficient discussion time).
Trainees at all levels are encouraged to present.