Advancing neuroscience discovery to improve neurological clinical care.


Our Researchers

Focusing on research, innovation and world-wide partnerships, we bring the best scientists, clinicians and trainees together with people who live with neurological disease and disorders, caregivers, business partners and community members to share and learn from one another. Everyone’s voice is essential in our quest to advance neuroscience discovery and improve neurological clinical care.

Meet Our Researchers

  • Aaron Newman
    Research interests:
    neuroimaging, language, neuroplasticity, aphasia, deafness, gesture, second language acquisition, sign language

  • Adam Johnston
    Research interests:
    stem cells and tissue regeneration, neuromuscular repair, regenerative medicine

  • Adria Quiqley
    Research interests:
    mobility, balance, and dual-tasking ability in people living with HIV. Her other research interests include rehabilitation and Long COVID and improving access to rehabilitation for equity-deserving groups.

  • Adrienne Weeks
    Research interests: brain surgery

  • Alan Fine
    Research interests: learning and memory

  • Alon Friedman, TBI Cluster Lead
    Research interests: exploring the interactions between the vascular and neuronal systems within the CNS and specifically on the involvement of microvascular pathology and blood-brain barrier dysfunction in the pathogenesis of injury-related epilepsy and neurodegeneration.

  • Andy Tasker
    Research interests:
    mechanisms and models of neurodegenerative disease

  • Angelo Iulianella
    Research interests:
    harnessing the process of neuron birth for cellular repair

  • Balwantray Chauhan
    Research interests:
    Glaucoma, Retina, Optic nerve

  • Chris McGibbon
     Research interests:
    Age related disorders of the musculoskeletal system

  • Christine Short
    Research interests: improving function and reducing pain in neurological illness and injury, managing pain and spasticity for improved function

  • Colleen O’Connell
    Research interests:
    managing pain and spasticity for improved function

  • Corey Baimel
    Research interests:
    Neural circuits and neuromodulation

  • Cynthia Calkin
    Research interests:
    metabolic and neuroendocrine disorders in patients with bipolar disorder

  • David Clarke
    Research interests:
    survival and regeneration of compromised neurons

  • David Westwood
    Research interests: visual attention and control of arm movements

  • Gail Eskes

    Research interests: rehabilitation of memory / attention lost due to stroke, age, brain injury or disease 

  • George Robertson
    Research interests: cell death and survival in the central nervous system

  • Heather Neyedli
    Research interests:
    motor control, neurofeedback, human factors, ergonomics, interface design, combat identification, human-automation interaction

  • Ian Weaver
    Research interests: neurobehavioural epigenetic mechanisms, early life experience, steroid hormone function, DNA and chromatin modification, programming of gene expression, cortical development, endocrine and behavioural stress responses, pharmacological interventions, psycho-social interventions

  • James Fawcett
    Research interests: understanding neuronal and synaptic development to reveal strategies for repair

  • Jamie Kramer
    Research interests:
    Epigenetics and chromatin in brain function

  • Janie Wilson
    Research interests: biomechanical and statistical modeling, knee osteoarthritis development and progression

  • Jason McDougall
    Research interests:
    understanding and treating arthritis pain

  • Javeria Hashmi
    Research interests: using computational tools to study pain and cognitive processing in the brain.

  • Jeremy Brown
    Research interests: pioneering new neurosurgery devices

  • Johane Robitaille
    Research interests: Ocular genetics, paediatric ophthalmology

  • John Frampton
    Research interests:
    microscale tissue engineering with an emphasis on neural tissues

  • Kazue Semba
    Research interests: neurobiology of sleep

  • Kevin Duffy
    Research interests: development, neuroscience, vision impairment, cellular mechanisms, neuroplasticity

  • Leslie Phillmore
    Research interests: learning, memory, songbirds, perception, neurogenesis, neuroplasticity, seasonality

  • Mark Paramlall
    Research interests:

  • Martin Alda
    Research interests: Mapping genes for bipolar disorder using innovative phenotypic approaches; better understanding of the brain structure and function in the development and progression of mood disorders; and optimization of long term treatment and outcome in people with bipolar disorder.

  • Matthias Schmidt
    Research interests: advancing medical imaging of the brain

  • Melina Agosto
    Research interests:
    Vision, Retinal neurons, Synaptic trafficking, Macromolecular protein complexes, Glutamate receptors, Signal transduction

  • Nicanor Gonzales-Morales
    Research interests: Cell Biology, Muscles, Drosophila

  • Philip Tibbo

    Research interests: Schizophrenia, Early Phase Psychosis, neuroimaging, comorbid addictions, cannabis, glutamatergic system, outcomes

  • Ray Klein
    Research interests: technology to help people with neurological and cognitive problems

  • Richard Brown
    Research interests: behavioural endocrinology, developmental psychobiology, drugs and behaviour, behaviour of transgenic and mutant mice, development, animal behaviour, memory

  • Rudolf Uher
    Research interests: classification of psychopathology, depression, mental illness

  • Ruth Ann Marrie
    Research interests:
    the influence of comorbidity on MS-related outcomes, etiologic factors for MS, patient-reported outcomes, and prodromal MS

  • Sean Christie
    Research interests: spinal surgery

  • Shaun Boe
    Research interests:
    optimizing results of motor deficit treatments

  • Steven Beyea

    Research interests: development, application and clinical/commercial translation of novel diagnostic imaging technologies

  • Sultan Darvesh
    Research interests: mechanisms and diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease

  • Tamara Franklin
    Research interests: epigenetics, in vivo electrophysiology, animal behaviour, neuroconnectivity, sociability

  • Tara Perrot
    Research interests: development, epigenetics, behavioural endocrinology, adolescence, stress, prenatal stress, sex differences

  • Timothy Bardouille

    Research interests: developing mathematical and computation approaches to measuring synchrony and communication in the human brain

  • Turgay Akay
    Research interests: neural networks and control of locomotion

  • Victor Rafuse, Director of BRC
    Research interests: stem cell therapies for movement disorders, development of neurons and synaptic connections involved in motor control

  • William Baldridge
    Research interests:
    structure and function of the vertebrate retina

  • Ying Zhang
    Research interests: electrophysiological properties of neurons