Calling all Canadian researchers looking for international partnerships!

Participate in Horizon Europe, the world's largest research and innovation funding program. Join like-minded countries to address global challenges through science- and evidence-based solutions.

Review available Horizon Europe funding calls and submit your application today – (Link) EC's Funding and Tenders site.

In November 2023, the Government of Canada closed substantive negotiations with the European Commission (EC) to increase collaboration under Horizon Europe, the world's largest research and innovation program involving countries around the globe.

Now applications from Canadian researchers and innovators will be reviewed as fully-fledged members of consortia in Horizon Europe Pillar 2 calls. While Canadians can participate in all Horizon Europe calls that are open to international partners, as an associated country, Canadians can access a broader range of research opportunities in Pillar 2.

Association enables countries outside the European Union (EU) to pay into the Horizon Europe budget allowing their researchers and innovators to participate under similar conditions as EU Member States.

While historically, Canadians have participated in Horizon Europe projects as a third-party, this also required them to access other sources of funding or provide in-kind support. They were not able to lead consortia and they were also limited to which projects Canadian research organizations could join. As an associated country to Pillar 2 of Horizon Europe, Canadians can lead consortia and propose their projects.

Additionally, accessing funds will be quicker and more streamlined. To ensure Canadians do not miss funding opportunities, the European Commission has agreed to accept and review applications (as an associated country) as of December 5, 2023. Awards can only be issued once the treaty has been provisionally applied which is expected in mid to late 2024.

Details re eligibility and application submission can be found at: (Horizon Europe)


Publication News: Iulianella Lab


Dr. Kenneth Rockwood and the Frailty Scale